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 - Our Mission - 

"To repurpose unwanted feedstocks
into clean carbon fuels and other valuable 

C-Tec has united commercially proven, environmental, technologies from across Europe. 

The world generates 2 billion tonnes of Household Waste annually and rising.


At least 33% of this waste is mismanaged globally today through open dumping or burning (World Bank). A very high  percentage of non-recyclable waste goes to landfill, incineration and the oceans

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“We offer governments, municipalities, large and small corporates a broad spectrum of solutions and business development expertise.


There is currently no single hub that offers such a wide variety of skills and complementary technologies”.





Robert Brennan

C-Tec Founder and CEO

Metal Surface

C-Tec is actively exploring projects in the UK, Europe, Asia and the Americas.

One-stop Global Marketing team with a 

Technology Portfolio that includes advanced Waste Separation, Anaerobic Digestion, Pyrolysis, Nutrient Recovery and other added value knowhow.



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17 Clarendon Rd, 

Clarendon Dock

Co. Antrim

Belfast BT1 3BG


© 2023 Carbon Technologies Group Ltd.

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